Shipping policy

Where can we deliver the package to?

We can ship to most countries in the world. 

Please offer us the correct phone number and address so that the express company can dispatch your order, otherwise you will be responsible for the loss.

Countries not shipped to include: South Sudan, Bangladesh & Algeria, Palestine.

We offer great packaging to make sure your package is perfect when you get it.

What is the shipping time?

It takes around 12-24 hours ( Customized products 3-5 working days ) for the order to get processed. After your order has been processed, it takes around 7 to 14 business days for the item to be delivered.  There can be delays beyond our control such as customs and postal service delays. 

We are not responsible for the package once it leaves our hands. Meaning....if USPS is running late or there are weather delays and your order does not arrive in time for your event, we are not responsible. We will always ship on time but we cannot control the package once it leaves our shop. It is always best to NEVER order at the last minute so that you have a little "cushion" in case of delays with the USPS or UPS.

What is the shipping cost?

Free Express Shipping on orders over $69.99 (12 to 20 business days)

Order Less than $69.99 We charge Express Shipping fee of $6.98 per order (12 - 20 business days).  

What happens if the shipping information is incomplete?

It is your responsibility to offer the correct and complete shipping address, phone number and email address for delivery and if your delivery fails due to this, we will not be held responsible for it.

Also, once a package is confirmed as "delivered" we are not responsible if the package is stolen/missing from your front door, etc. It is your responsibility to make sure you provide a secure address for delivery.